Member Profile


Member Spotlight Survey


ActorsFCU is nothing without its 25,000 members. We want to get to know you better and feature you on our News page. Complete the survey below. Once the post is live, we will email you a unique link to share. Please allow at least 2 weeks to publish.

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Terms and Conditions:

By submitting my image and questionnaire as a member of Actors Federal Credit Union, I hereby authorize Actors Federal Credit Union to use my picture or likeness and my questionnaire answers in the following places:

  • Website: on the News page or carousel on the home page
  • Social media sites including but not limited to: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
  • The screens in our 5 Branch locations.
  • Newsletter

I understand that I shall not be remunerated in any way for the use of my picture or likeness and my survey answers. I further understand and agree that I will not receive my picture or image back from Actors Federal Credit Union and that Actors Federal Credit Union may use this picture or image and the accompanying survey answers on its website for as long as it desires within its sole discretion.  I have no recourse to require Actors Federal Credit Union to stop using this picture or my likeness on its website.  Submission of my picture or image and the accompanying survey is not a guarantee of their use.  Actors Federal Credit Union may at any time remove them from their website.